Step 1: Press on Windows Key + S and search for “Printers & Scanners”. Press the key. Press the key. Press the key. Press the key. Press the key.
Step 2: Open Printers & Scanners settings
Step 3: On the right side menu, find “Run the Troubleshooter”
Step 4: On the Troubleshooter click on Next
Step 5: Wait for the Troubleshooter to finish scanning your computer
Step 6: Select the printer that is encountering problems
Step 7: Click Next
Step 9: The troubleshooter will recommend you to make the printer the default printer
Now the troubleshooter may offer different fixes depending on the problem that it detects. Just make sure to follow what the troubleshooter recommends to do.
If the troubleshooter failed to fix your printer problems the issue could be on the printer itself. Try using it on another computer and see if it will work.
Visit the nearest service center and ask them to check your printer for possible hardware problems.
What is Lorem Ipsum?Test Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting indus